Kelly's Talkshow

Farmers' market “逛农贸市场”



Hi honey, I'm home!嗨,亲爱的,我回来了!How was the farmers' market?农贸市场怎么样?It was great! I bought a bunch of organic produce, berries and some artisanal cheese.很不错!我买了好多有机农产品,还买了莓子和手工奶酪。Was it like shopping in vegetable markets back in China?跟国内的菜市场像吗?Totally different! For one, the vendors were actual farmers.完全不同!比如,农贸市场摆摊儿的人都是自产自销、实际的种植者。Really?是吗?Yeah, my friend told me that they're pretty strict about everything being farm-to-table.对,我朋友说,市场要求所有食材都要严格遵循从农场直接到餐桌的原则。What was the atmosphere like? Noisy?环境氛围怎么样?吵吗?No way. It was so peaceful and calm. They even had live music playing.完全不吵。市场很安静、有序。还有现场音乐表演。That sounds nothing like the markets in China! How about the price?那跟中国菜市场是不太一样。那价格怎么样呢?Well, it certainly wasn't cheap. But look at these veggies! So fresh and ripe!唔,东西不便宜。但你看看这些蔬菜!又新鲜又饱满!Oh well. You get what you pay for, I guess.哦好吧。一分价钱一分货。Exactly. Not only can we get connected to our food, but we also can save the environment. It's win-win!没错。我们这样能跟食物更有情感联系,还能保护环境。这是双赢啊!Don't forget about helping the local far