Kelly's Talkshow

Emergency Response 急救小常识



Excuse me! Does anyone know first aid? There is a man outside who just passed out.请问一下!有人会急救吗?外面有个人晕过去了。I do! Can you tell me what happened?我会!你能告诉我是怎么回事吗?He was just standing when he suddenly went rigid and collapsed.这个人本来站着,结果突然就全身僵硬、瘫倒在地。Was he convulsing or foaming at the mouth?他是否有抽搐或吐白沫?He was shaking and drooling but there wasn't any foam.他一直在颤抖,还有流口水,但并没有吐白沫。Ok. Let me have a look. Excuse me, sir! Can you hear me?好,让我看一下。先生!您能听见我说话吗?He's not responding. Should I call an ambulance?他没反应。我要叫救护车吗?Yes, please. His airways are clear but his breathing and pulse are irregular. I think he's had a seizure.快叫吧。他的呼吸道没问题,但是呼吸和脉搏不规则。我判断他可能是癫痫发作了。Ok. Does he need CPR?明白了。需要给他做人工呼吸吗?No, he should come around in the next few minutes. But, we should find an AED and keep an eye on him until the paramedics arrive.不用,他应该过几分钟就会恢复知觉。但我们还是得找一个自动体外除颤器来,随时注意他的情况, 直到医护人员来为止。 Grammar | 语法点 The construction go + adjective is a colloquial way to express a change in the state of something. In terms of people, it is used to show a c