Kelly's Talkshow

Buying Bread一起去买面包吧



Hello, what can I get for you?你好,今天想买点什么?I'd like a few kinds of bread, but I'm not sure which.我想买几种面包,但不知道具体什么种类好。Ok. What do you want it for? Sandwiches?知道了。你买面包是什么用途呢?做三明治?Yes, that's one thing.对,这是其中一个。So, focaccia, ciabatta, and croissants are good for that.做三明治的话,佛卡夏面包、夏巴塔面包和牛角包都可以。Do they toast well?这些烤一下好吃吗?You can, but maybe a loaf is better.可以呀,但是要烤的话,还是长方面包更好。Ok, I'll have a whole grain loaf.好的,那我要一个全麦长条面包。Sure, and what else?好的,还要点什么?I'm having a party. What can I serve?我还要办个派对。配什么面包好?I'd say a baguette or soft rolls.我会建议法式长棍,或者软面包。I'll have half a dozen rolls, please.好,那给我来六个软面包。Here you go.好的,给您。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Bakeries in the US and China中美面包店的差异There are lots of pastries available in US bakeries. Throughout the US, you can find bakeries especially in many regional and international cuisines. But when it comes to typical American baked goods, most shops sell treats such as cookies, brownies, and cupcakes.美国的面包店有很多糕点可供选择。在美国各地,尤其是在许多地方美食店和国际美食店,你都可以找到面包店。但要说典型的美国烘焙食品,大部分商店会卖饼干、布朗尼和纸杯蛋糕等。The fi