Kelly's Talkshow

American Talk Shows 美国脱口秀



Hey Carrie, which American talk shows do you like to watch?嘿,Carrie,你喜欢看哪些美国脱口秀节目啊?There are so many: early morning talk shows, daytime talk shows, late night talk shows, big network and cable talk shows.有很多啊:早间脱口秀、日间脱口秀、晚间脱口秀、大广播电视网脱口秀、有线电视脱口秀。Wow, that's a lot. I take it they have different formats?哇,这么多啊。他们的形式不太一样,对吧?Sure do. Early morning shows, like Good Morning America, usually cover national news stories, lifestyle tips and entertainment news.当然啦。早间秀,比如《早安美国》,一般是报道全国事件、生活贴士和娱乐。I see. What about late night talk shows? Are they more comedy-focused?我明白了。那晚间秀呢?会更以搞笑为主吗?They sure are. Shows like The Late Show with Stephen Colbert start with a monologue that jokes about current events and politics, followed by celebrity guests.是的。比如《斯蒂芬·科尔伯特晚间秀》的开场单口小段就是调侃时事和政治,之后是名人访谈。Yes. I've seen some of those. The celebrity segments are super fun.嗯,是的,我看过一些这种节目。名人访谈部分超级搞笑。Yes. Many Americans also love the satire aspect of late night shows, especially when the hosts roast politicians.是的。许多美国人也喜欢晚间秀的讽刺挖苦的特点,尤其是主持人吐槽政客的时候。