Kelly's Talkshow

Fighting for the bill 抢着买单



Well, it has been great catching up with you.能和你聚一下真开心。Likewise. We should do it more often. Should we get the bill?是啊。我们应该常聚聚。咱们现在买单吧?Sure. But this one is on me.好的。不过这顿饭我来请。No way. Let's split the bill.这怎么行?我们分摊吧。No. You are visiting. It's my treat.不行。你是客人,我来请。But I was the one asking you out. I can't let you pay.但是是我约的你。我可不能让你请客。No, don't worry about it. You are not going to win this argument.不,别担心。总之你是赢不了这场争论的。Ok, if you insist. Do you want to grab some drinks though? Drinks are on me.好吧,如果你那么坚持的话。你想喝点东西吗?喝的我来买单。Maybe another day. I should head home now. I still have some work left.改天吧。我该回家了。我还有点工作没做完呢。Ok then. But just so you know, I'm getting the next one.那好。不过先说定了,下一次我请。 Expansion | 知识拓展 The Bill: To split or not to split?账单:分不分?If you have foreign friends, you probably know that they like to split the bill at restaurants. This is not considered cheap or rude, but rather just part of the culture. If it is just two people eating, each person usually just pays for what they ordered. If a large group is e