Kelly's Talkshow

Mobile Banking 如何随身携带你的银行?



Hey, Mick. Would you mind transferring me the money on your phone?嘿Mick,你能在手机上转钱给我吗?Right now? To be honest, I don't have mobile banking.现在吗?但是,我没有手机银行。Really? You are behind! Why don't you just download the bank app now?什么?你太落伍了!你为什么不现在就下载一个银行APP呢?I would but I'm kind of paranoid about security. What if someone hacks my account?但是我特别担心安全问题。万一有人盗我的账户呢?It'll be fine! Bank apps are pretty secure. Besides, it makes it so much easier to manage your finances and make credit card payments on the go.不会的!银行的应用程序还是很安全的。而且,用手机App理财、信用卡还款都特别方便。That's true. Could I also use it to check on my investments?那倒是。我也能用它随时查看我买的投资产品吗?For sure. You can also track your spending, deposit cheques and pay off all sorts of bills. The only issue is that it's sometimes a bit laggy.当然了,你还可以追踪自己的消费记录、存支票、支付各种账单。唯一的问题是,有时可能有点延时。Ok. I'll test it out. But, if I get robbed, I'm coming after you!好的。那我试试。但是,如果账户被盗了,我可要来找你!Trust me! You won't get robbed!你放心,不会的! GRAMMAR | 语法点 "Pay something off” means to pay a debt completely. It is generally use