Kelly's Talkshow

Cherry Blossom Season 桜の季節



Hi, Mina, I'm going to Japan next week. Is there anything you want me to bring back for you? 嗨,Mina,我下周要去日本。你有什么东西要我帮你带回来吗?Thanks, Lisa! You are the best! Are you going there to see the cherry blossoms? 谢谢 Lisa,你最好了!你是去那儿看樱花吗?Yes, I've always wanted to experience the romantic cherry blossom season in Japan. Finally, my dreams are coming true this year! 是呀,我一直都想去感受一下日本的浪漫樱花季。今年总算实现了!That's great. Make sure to take some beautiful pictures and share them with me. 太棒了!一定要多拍漂亮的照片和我分享哦。Of course,I will. I just wish there weren't so many people visiting there during this time of year. 那当然啦。我只是希望在每年的这个时候没有那么多人去就好了。Well, enjoy your trip,I’ll see you when you come back. 好好享受你的旅程,我们回来见。 BackGround Music:桜の木の下で Artists:ハンバート ハンバート