Kelly's Talkshow

A Legend of the Christmas Tree 关于圣诞树的传说



Once on a cold Christmas Eve night, a forester and his family were in their cottage gathered round the fire to keep warm. 在一个寒冷的平安夜晚上,一位林务员和他的家人在他们的小屋里围着火炉取暖。Suddenly there was a knock on the door. When the forester opened the door, he found a poor little boy standing on the door step, lost and alone. 突然有人敲门,当林务员打开门时他发现门前站着一个可怜的小男孩,迷路了孤零零的。The forester welcomed him into his house and the family fed and washed him and put him to bed in their youngest son's bed.这位林务员就把小男孩请到家里来,一家人给他吃了饭,洗了澡,并把他放在他们小儿子的床上睡觉。The next morning, Christmas Morning, the family were woken up by a choir of angels, and the poor little boy had turned into Jesus, the Christ Child.第二天,圣诞节早晨,一家人被天使的唱诗班吵醒,可怜的小男孩变成了耶稣基督。The Christ Child went into the front garden of the cottage and broke a branch off a Fir tree and gave it to the family as a present to say thank you for looking after him. 孩子走进小屋的前院,从杉树上折断了一根树枝,送给这家人作为礼物以感谢他们的照顾之恩。So ever since them, people have remembered that night by bringing a Christmas Tree into their homes!因此,从那以后,人们就把圣诞树带