Kelly's Talkshow

Sandwich Generation三明治一代



Hey Barb, do you have any daycare recommendations? We have to find a new one for my daughter soon.嘿Barb,你有什么日托的建议吗? 我们马上要给女儿找一个新的托儿所。Oh, well actually my parents look after the kids while my husband and I are at work.哦,实际上我和丈夫上班的时候,都是我的父母帮我在照顾孩子。I wish that were an option for me. Not only do I have to find a new daycare for my daughter, but I have to find a new retirement home for my parents, too.我多希望可以这样啊,我不光要为女儿找一个新的托儿所,还要给我父母找一个养老院。Oh wow, looks like we’ve got another sandwicher!哦,看来你也是三明治一族啊! BackGround Music:Iceberg Slim  Artists:FKJ,Cézaire