Kelly's Talkshow

Love at first sight 一见钟情



Do you believe in love at first sight, Mina? Mina,你相信一见钟情吗?Personally, I’ve always thought the idea was a bit far-fetched.就我个人而言,我一向认为这种说法挺扯的。Really? You’ve never experienced it? What about with your husband?是吗? 你从来没感受过一见钟情?跟你丈夫都没有?We hit it off, sure. But there was no spark. He just grew on me over time.我们确实一开始就挺谈得来的,但也不是火花四射那种。是相处时间长了,我才逐渐喜欢上他的。Not with my wife and me. When I first saw her, there was an instant attraction.我和我太太跟你们不太一样。第一次见到她时,我就被她迷住了。I actually read a study that said men reported they experienced love at first sight more than women.我以前看过一项研究,说更多男性会称自己经历过一见钟情,比女性数量多。 BackGround Music:City of stars  Artists:Ryan Gosling/Emma Stone