Kelly's Talkshow

Is this seat taken?如何礼貌的问座



Excuse me, is this seat taken?不好意思,这个位子有人坐吗?Sorry, it’s taken. I’m actually saving it for a friend but I see a spot by the bar.不好意思,有人了。这是给我一个朋友留的,但是吧台那里有座位。Thanks. Is this food court always this busy around lunch?谢谢。中午这个美食街一直这么多人吗?It sure is! There is a rush around 12 but it is quieter after 1:30.确实!12点是高峰期,但1点半以后就没什么人了。That makes sense. I just wish it were easier to spot a table!这也不难理解。我就希望找桌子能容易点儿。 BackGround Music:Sign  Artists:DEAMN