Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast

Marriage Story: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life's Detours with Faith – Angela Muir Van Etten



"Marriage is hard, but it's not too difficult for God to make it work." Even the best marriages require intentional effort to thrive. So, what happens when a relationship is complicated by dwarfism, discord, and discrimination?Last week, Angela Muir Van Etten talked with Crystal about her passion for raising awareness and advocating for people with dwarfism and disability. Today, Angela is back on the podcast to share her marriage story: how God took two people with numerous challenges and grew them into a faithful couple who have honored him. Standing at 3 feet, 4 inches, Angela and Robert’s common height wasn’t enough to hold their marriage together. When workaholism, a failing business, and a breakdown in communication put their relationship on the brink, they needed help! In today’s conversation, hear where Angela and Robert sought help and how they’ve been able to face life’s challenges head-on with love and faith. Their now 35-year marriage is a truly a picture of God’s power being made perfect in weakn