Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast

We All Have Gifts to Share – Emily Colson



Every person has important gifts that need to be shared with others and the church, but many families face real challenges with finding acceptance and a place to serve. Today on the podcast, Crystal is sharing a powerful message of hope from Emily Colson, daughter of the late Chuck Colson and mother to Max, her adult son who has a diagnosis of autism. Emily’s perfect world turned upside down following a painful divorce when Max was just a baby. As Max grew, challenges with autism became increasingly difficult for Emily…she was able to go out less and less and eventually even stopped going to church altogether. Emily never imagined that she’d be so disconnected from the spiritual life of the church because of Max’s diagnosis. But God used the words of Joni Eareckson Tada to encourage Emily’s heart: “Your church would be so blessed to have people with autism running up and down the aisles.” Emily took those words to heart and decided to find a way for her family to cross the threshold of the church. Listen as E