Uw Sustainability - "in Our Nature"

Husky Green Award winner Ursula Valdez



UW Sustainability student intern Annika Prom talks with Ursula Valdez, a faculty member in UW Bothell's School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences. Ursula Valdez is a 2020 Husky Green Award winner for her work promoting sustainability and conservation on and off the UW Bothell campus. She  actively encourages students and other researchers to document avian diversity and natural history in urban spaces and educates them on how to restore these habitats. She also created a “Sustainability on a Student Budget” course to teach students how to embrace affordable, sustainable practices for everyday life. Outside of the university, she co-founded the Tambopata Center for Education, Science, and Conservation (CECCOT, acronym in Spanish), an organization that promotes the conservation of tropical diversity in the Peruvian Amazon. Read more about her work: https://www.uwb.edu/news/may-2020/husky-green-award-valdez