Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

How to be in the moment and live in acceptance EP 109



I have this tendency to live everywhere else but in the moment.  I am either in the past or in the future.  In other words, I naturally gravitate towards fearing the future or looking to the future for something to change the way I feel like.  For example, I have a new pair of Jordan's showing up today.  Oh, how great I'm going to feel when I have them in my hands and get my first complement, lol! Or when this Corona thing is all over, "then" I'll feel better.  When this money comes in, "then" I'll feel so much more secure.  When I get this new job, "then" I'll be back on track.  And one of my favorites, if my wife would just get off my back, "then" I'll be happier!   The reverse is also true.  Regretting or idealizing the past. For example, I'm such a loser, why did I say that or eat that or not do that. Why did I not work out again today! Or, I was so much happier in my 20's, if I could just get back to that time in my life, "then" everything would be OK... Or, I was so much happier when I was single with n