Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

I am not that person anymore, I am different, that's the old me... or is it? EP 108



I'm on the second round of listening to Rob Bell's new book, Everything is Spiritual.  I literally finished it and immediately started over.   I've never done that before. In chapter 5 he talks about how we can be at odds with our past; we can be at war with our history... and how do we resolve those parts of our lives we may be trying to forget about or move on from?  What about those parts of us we don't like or are trying to change? I always wondered why it never sat right when someone refers to "the new me" or "the old me" or "I'm not that person anymore."  I get what they're saying... I have changed, I don't act like that anymore, I don't think like that anymore, I'm different than I used to be.   But isn't our past still a part of us whether we like it or not?  Doesn't our life experiences make us who we are?  Rob uses the example of seeing a picture of someone and getting a knot in our stomach or someone tells a story or mentions a place and we cringe.