Lisa Berry

Replace Your Fictions with Truth for an Audacious Transformation - Tomás Garza



I Cant, Im not good enough, Im stuck where I am, Its a waste of time are all fictions, untruths, that cover up your true all powerful self. To experience a life full of happiness, abundance, prosperity and deep connection with others, all fictions MUST be replaced with truths. What story are you living by? Believing in ? What life are you creating? You can Decide right now to choose an audacious transformation from feeling limited, incapable and fearful to living as an all powerful Being. Toms Garza, the author of Decide: How To Replace Your Fictions with Truth, Go Big in Life, And Transform Audaciously, co-hosts todays show and takes us through a meditation exercise of opening up to a place where you can begin this very transformation. We will learn how to replace 4 specific fictions (limiting beliefs) with truths that offer you an alternative happy ending to your challenges. Toms Garza, began a personal meditation practice in the mid-1980s, and has seen firsthand many ways that human beings stifle themselve