Lisa Berry

How Long Does Healing Take?



Do you believe theres a specific time for healing? Getting over a heartbreak,Grieving over a loss?Healing from an injury or getting over an illness?Regaining your ground after a financial ruin?How about even regret? Do you hold a belief or an expectation of how long or how much you should be in those painful spaces. What if I told you that raising the vibration to consciously affect matter can wipe time out of the equation and bring about healing in a surprising way and speed? Join me as I speak with Richard Gordon all about Quantum Touch. The simple healing process that ANYONE can do. The truth is we dont know what it doesnt work for. Richard Gordon, author of Quantum Touch, Your Healing Hands, and The Secret Nature Of Matter, and creator of the Quantum Touch pendant is a recognized pioneer in the field of energy healing, an internationally acclaimed speaker and workshop leader. His work is now being practiced, by thousands of people, in over 50 countries around the world. Todays show is all about energy hea