Throwing Light

A Reading for the Collective



This is an idea I had a while ago, but I think I had to build up the confidence in my gifts. So glad I leaped! Whatever the response, it feels brave and holy. A few notes:I was able to get to the beach to "touch the face of Mother Earth with my feet" last weekend. In doing so, I was legitimately rejuvenated and received clarity on a few questions I was wrestling with.I would really love to hear how you connected with and interpreted this message. You can leave a review or message me on Instagram or TikTok. I use the term "God" because that's what feels right for me. I know a lot of mediums channel spirits that have specific names. That doesn't fit for me at this time. Most of the time, I use the terms "God," "the Universe," or "the divine spark of the Universe" interchangeably. HONORABLE MENTIONS:A Line Within PodcastVoice of God song and videoThank you for listening! If you liked this episode, I would be very appreciative in you left a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the