Major Crush

S3//EP11: Wine & Hoops with David Griffin



If you've been following the Major Crush Winecast for any length of time, then you already know the name, David Griffin -- the Pinot Noir-loving husband of co-host Meredith Griffin. And, if you follow professional basketball, then you know this same David Griffin as the genius NBA executive who has a knack for putting together winning teams and fostering a sense of camaraderie wherever he goes!  We thought it would be fun for us to put David in our very own "hot seat" to talk about wine culture inside the NBA, and to share a few other insights with our listeners about how wine helps connect and build strong communities inside of a competitive world where elite athletes are always looking for new expressions of perfection! David opens up about his recent experience inside the NBA bubble, how coaches and players he's worked with have embraced the world of wine, and how he sees his new role as the top executive at the New Orleans Pelicans playing out in the future. Of course, we had plenty of wine to share with