Dr. Kelly Neff

You CAN Thrive after Narcissistic Abuse & Toxic Relationships with Melanie Tonia Evans



If you or someone you love has been traumatized by a toxic relationship, this show can help empower you with tools to heal. Dr. Kelly is joined this week by author Melanie Tonia Evans, the world's leading expert on recovering from Narcissistic Abuse. In today's show we discuss what it means psychologically to be a "narcissist" including including compulsive lying, over-the-top jealousy and lack of empathy. We also discsus Melanie's incredible personal journey of hitting rock bottom during her marriage to a narcissist, and her incredible story of recovering and helping thousands of people do the same. We also discuss the key to healing to from this trauma, why people fall in love with narcissists, and the nine personality traits of people most likely to end up in toxic relationships. If you feel that this might be you, please know that you ARE NOT ALONE and that you CAN heal! Full of powerful insights and personal experience, Melanie is here promoting her new book, You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse, w