Talktales The Podcast

Cheaper Than Therapy: Episode 9 Featuring Annarose Krone From Los Angeles



Welcome to the 9th episode of Cheaper Than Therapy! The free bartender call in advice podcast. Call (213)465-0837 and leave us your questions, Shana, Adhel and our top shelf guests will answer them on our weekly podcast. Shana and Adhel had the amazing pleasure of interviewing the Licor 43 global champion of 2020, Annarose Krone. She is just a delight and an incredible bartender and mixologist. Tune in to learn more about that award winning Licor 43 cocktail, get in the head of a champion bartender and get all your free bartender advice here on TalkTales: Cheaper Than Therapy! Follow to keep up with what Roseis up to! Thanks to everyone who called in and all the great questions. Now go ahead, grab yourselves something to drink, sit back and let's go on a journey into the magical world of bartending. Shana, Adhel and anyone affiliated with TalkTales the Podcast and TalkTales Entertainment LLC are not licensed therapists or mental health experts. All callers call at