Kensington Church Orlando

Battle Ready: Week 1



WARFARE: The reality of our lives is spiritual warfare is not an option….we are in it! It doesn’t matter whether you want to or not – you’re neck deep in it! Some of us just don’t realize it. The bible talks of this huge battle going on in the spiritual realm and it then proceeds to lift up the veil between our physical world and the spiritual world. It outlines the war that is going on and the enemy is defined for us. For some people, the topic of spiritual warfare is a game. Comic books, cartoons, daily sitcoms, movies, and video games have popularized and trivialized the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. In some ways it has become a children’s game or superstitious nonsense. But the reality is that most people believe that there is another realm around us. A spiritual reality that we cannot see, but we feel. This day will explore in detail this alternate reality happening just under the surface of our current one.