
Episode 110 – Military Recruiting Firms and Partnership Agreements. What Gives?



One of the most frequently asked questions we receive as a military recruiting firm? Do you have a partnership agreement? We encourage military officers to ask this question (check out our full list of recommendations, here) as they begin their initial transition research. Each military recruiting firm has a different flavor. Some require a signed agreement, some have partnerships, and others don't require anything at all. Asking these questions during your initial conversations with a recruiting firm will help you determine your best fit. Through our experience, we have found the dynamic of a partnership agreement to mirror that of a friendship. When building a new friendship, you both mutually agree to invest in the relationship by getting to know each other, prioritizing your time together and being present when it really counts. If there is no agreement to invest in each other, there is no friendship. You can't count on the other person because the depth of the relationship doesn't exist. On this epis