Rob Z Radio

379 How to Make $$$ With Only 1,000 Followers w. Jake Skoloda of The Millennial Ad Network



Jake Skoloda is the President of the Millennial Ad Network. Jake is a recognized expert in his field: Youth Marketing. Jake won the best speaker award at the 2017 Marketing to Gen-Z Conference. He was also a keynote speaker at the 2017 PR Week Swipe Conference and was featured on Culpwrit. Jake loves working hand and hand with big brands to shape how they approach Gen-Z.Millennial Ad Network is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based social media advertising agency that creates social influence and high exposure marketing spaces with their large network of digital media outlets. Their team uses market insights of millennials and gen zenennials to advertise to this primary demographic. M.A.N. has the ability to provide companies with effective digital advertisement solutions. At Millennial, our staff strongly believes that our first priority is to assist in expanding the revenue of the companies we work with. Many digital marketing firms blast out advertisements to unresponsive, non-potential cust