Rob Z Radio

280 Expanding Perspective from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People



The awesome book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey has great advice on how to visualize your future and point your life in the direction you want. If you want to read it for yourself, buy the book, go to page 131, to the section on "Expand Perspective". This is my talk on it and how it helps me to move forward. I hope it helps you too. Enjoy! Yo Zebruh's leave me a voicemail @ (814) 799-0064 Please give me a rating on iTunes. It would help the podcast tremendously...not to mention it would be dooooope af. How can I take your Social Media to the Next Level? E-mail for more info. Please talk back on: Twitter & Snapchat @RobZyo Facebook & Instagram @RobZRadio My new mission is to help businesses and individuals stand out through their social media networks. I like to describe it as taking a brick and mortar business and turning it into a personality that people can identify with. Giving businesses an identity. Email: HappyValleySocial@gma