Rob Z Radio

249 Running Makes Me Wanna Die



When I run I constantly feel like I'm dying. Well, maybe not for the first 10 minutes or so, but after that it's pure hell. The catch 22 is that I love to run, so I've found ways to work around my running hatred. In this episode I offer cures for shinsplints that have worked 100% for me, and also a mental strategy to keep you running when your mind tells you that it hates you. Speaking of running, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson may run for Pres and I couldn't be happier. Now Trump on the other hand........ Please give me a rating on iTunes. It would help the podcast tremendously...not to mention it would be dooooope af. How can I take your Social Media to the Next Level? E-mail for more info. Please talk back on: Twitter & Snapchat @RobZyo Facebook & Instagram @RobZRadio My new mission in life is to help businesses and individuals stand out through their social media networks. That may sound cliche, but it's not. It's BIG. You will become a Brand that breaks th