Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

How does resistance show up in your life? Perfectionism, procrastination, chaos, overachieving EP113



The journey to self-actualization is an interesting one. Quite frankly, it’s F’ing hard. Life is hard. As far back as I can remember I’ve wanted things to be easy... I wanted everything to come naturally. I didn’t want to work at it, I didn’t want it to be difficult, I wanted it to be a breeze. And when it wasn’t, I’d quit, give up, or chalk it up to, maybe I’m just not interested enough. Afterwards, I’d find something or someone to blame it on or I would say something profound like, it wasn’t meant to be, my HP has other plans, or I really need to focus on what I’m passionate about. Because everyone knows, if you’re passionate about something, it doesn’t feel like work, it’s easy! Oh how naïve I can be, LOL!! Of course, I would never admit to any of this. I would make sure I save face by giving the perception that I was totally owning the failure or by positioning the fact that I gave up, that it was to hard, or that I was doing it for all the wrong reasons in a way that people would co-sign my decision or f