Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Hilary Blair – ARTiculate conversations and getting messy in your speaking voice – Episode 178



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Hilary Blair, the CEO and Co-founder of ARTiculate: Real&Clear. Human connection can be awkward and exhausting. Hilary shows how true connection is worth navigating the mess. She recently was on the TedX Cherry Creek Stage with her talk Stereotypes vs Archetypes. In this Episode: Archetypes: Understanding how they shape who we are and how they guide the choices, life, and work we make. Stereotype and archetype – Seeing from archetypal lens vs. stereotypical lens Hilary's passion around freeing voices and just really embracing the messiness that comes through us. Controlling our voice and learning to adjust How Hilary will bring her messiness into preparing for her talk on the TEDx stage An analogy of a soccer player in regards to creativity in rules and boundaries. Hilary is a keynote speaker and champion of human connection.  She is impassioned by moving beyond habits and learned behaviors to uncover what is unique and authent