Red Church Door Podcast

The First People



Did you know that "Columbus Day" now appears on Google calendars listed as a "regional holiday?" Just after Thanksgiving week -- a week fraught with stereotypes of indigenous peoples -- Colin speaks with Bishop Carol Gallagher about the intersections of our christian faith and indigenous peoples -- and how Bishop Gallagher's advocacy for indigenous peoples has impacted and shaped her own spiritual journey and relationship with God. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol Gallagher is Regional Canon for the Central Region of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Prior to her call in Massachusetts, Gallagher was assistant bishop in the Diocese of Montana, developing relationships with Native leaders and congregations there. She is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation and has served on numerous church and civic committees and boards, including the Episcopal Church Council on Indian Ministries, the Anglican Indigenous Network, Anglican Peace with Justice Concerns, the Committee on the Status of Women, the Episcopal Divini