CCI and CHIN: In Our Words

Season Tse: conservation scientist



Welcome to "CCI and CHIN: In Our Words," a podcast for museum and heritage professionals who want a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the work of Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).In this episode, your hosts, Nathalie Nadeau Mijal and Kelly Johnson, interview Season Tse. Season started working at CCI as a conservation scientist in 1984 (the same year as our previous guest, Charlie Costain). What do conservation scientists do? They work on projects aimed at understanding the material, chemical and technical aspects of heritage materials. They also research and test different conservation techniques. Season, in particular, is well known for her conservation work on ink and textiles and for testing sensitivity to light exposure. In this interview, we talked in a more general sense about her work ethic and how CCI has evolved over the years.To watch Season Tse working on an 18th century petticoat, have a look at the CCI video "Treatment of the Marseille Pettic