Kitty Talks

Live a life of No Regret - Deri Llwellyn-Davies



“Life is never done. That is why it's an adventure to be here. So, my definition of success is just standing in this moment and going, you know what? I have played full-out. Let’s go.” – Deri Llewellyn-DaviesIn this episode, you’ll hear about: My guest Deri, and his will of living both his passions, adventure in the extreme and business strategy, in alignment with one maxim: on his very last day, he will look back at his life without regrets.Deri Llewellyn-Davies is the Strategy Man. He is a speaker, a business strategist, and best-selling author (Life’s Great Adventure, BGI Strategy on the Page), and a global adventurer. His Strategy on a Page methodology helps entrepreneurs and companies to take their business to the next level.Guest: Deri Llewellyn-Davies Hosted By: Kitty WatersThis fantastic podcast will give you an insight and direction into finding spirituality in the wild, and exploring the rich tapestry of life.Episode Topics • What a son learned from his father • The burning bush • There is no coinci