Kitty Talks

Tune in, get quiet and get in tune with your purpose - Sarah Phipp



“I was self-harming, I was suicidal, I was physically and mentally in a pretty dire place. […] But everything that I have learned along the way has brought me to where I am today.”– Sarah PhippIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Sarah, and how a sharp wakeup call provided by a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome led her to look for answers and find a serene life balance in a radical shift of nutrition, career and mindset.Sarah Phipp is a nutritionist and a transformational health and wellbeing coach. She is working with people both online and at her amazing workshops, helping who is dealing with a chronic condition through her new paradigm psychology.Guest: Sarah PhippHosted By: Kitty WatersThis fantastic podcast will give you an insight and direction into the mind-body connection and the negative reactions that your too busy mind triggers in your body and all around you.Episode TopicsChronic illnessDealing with the mechanism of what creates your experienceClear your mind of informationBe present, b