Kitty Talks

Draw a line in the sand and commit. The universe has your back - Paul Gordon



“Whatever it is you do in life, you have to knuckle down and work hard for it. And the best time to start doing it is right now! Not tomorrow, don’t think about it and do it the week after. Do it today. Now.”– Paul GordonIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Paul, and how, after losing a ‘proper’ job in the theatre business, he sat down and wrote on a piece of paper a list of his talents, things he never wanted to do again and dreams he wanted to make true – and turned that list into a magic card for his brilliant career!Paul Gordon is professional closed-up magician, specialised in card magic, a DVD and book author lecturing young magicians, an entertainer, speaker and singer. He is a member of The Magic Circle and has performed in front of a number of celebrities.Guest: Paul GordonHosted By: Kitty WatersThis honest podcast will give you an insight and direction into magic and the café lifestyle as a way to resurface from the back mist of depression and rediscover a world of emotions and marvel.Episode