Kitty Talks

Awaken to your power, and find your purpose -Adi Shakti



“Successful people are driven by something that is beyond themselves. There is a core pulse in their body, that comes from source, that is a divine inspiration” – Adi ShaktiIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Adi, and her commitment to awakening the divine feminine, healing people’s core wounds and channelling their creativity, power and passion into a sustainable business.Adi Shakti lives in Costa Rica, where she is a yoga teacher and a conscious entrepreneur. She is also Creative Director of Passion Yoga School, co-author of Resilience Through Yoga and Meditation, and host of The Six Figure Yogi, a conscious business podcast.Guest: Adi ShaktiHosted By: Kitty WatersThis awakening podcast will give you an insight and direction into personal transformation process through travelling, yoga practising and having a tea in the jungle of Costa Rica.Episode TopicsWe are all oneYogaStarting a business in a foreign countryThe power of women in ceremonyThe importance of a concrete business strategyYou will leav