Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 104, Coaching Call on Love vs Loathing and Weight loss



My amazing client allowed me to share a segment of our coaching call with you. We were discussing loving yourself to lose weight vs. self loathing. You see, most of us are in self loathing about our bodies. We want to be smaller, tighter, fitter and we have thoughts about our bodies that leave us feeling BAD about ourselves. When we feel bad about ourselves we tend to NOT do the things that help us feel better. We self-sabotage, continue overeating, over-drinking, and not exercising. When we are self-loathing it keeps us AWAY from our goals. During this coaching call I help her explore how when we choose to LOVE ourselves and feel good about ourselves we are much more successful in our pursuits of weight loss.  You don't need to be afraid of loving yourself and then not feeling motivated to lose weight. We often think 'Well if I accept myself.. I won't want to lose weight.' This is not what happens. When you love yourself, you want to respect yourself and you do things respectfully for yourself like only eati