
2021 - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...



Greetings folks and wow its approaching 2021, did you ever think we would finally leave 2020? I did not and I do not really hold my breath for 2021 either but it really is dependent how we handle it. So, I wear many hats so this message will breach two of them, the Pagan and the Paranormal. The Pagan. We run a group called Forest Moon Grove which is a large network focused on our Pagans and Heathens of all Traditions in the Military. We currently endorse a group stationed in Korea with groups on two Camps and with multiple Traditions. There is no Pagan Chaplain in the Military to support our Troops, so they have what is called the DRGL or Distinguished Religious Group Leader, who must be endorsed by an Organization of their faith and sponsored by a local Military Chaplain regardless of that Chaplain’s faith and FMG is a recognized Pagan Organization to do this. We started in 2004 in Iraq and have been going strong ever since. Now, on a personal note, 2021 I plan on focusing my personal growth on Traditions I