Source Code Berlin

Tactical Tech: Info Activism, From Berlin to the World



The Tactical Technology Collective, known lovingly as Tactical Tech. For more than a decade they have been at the forefront of training and tool development for not only journalists but also rights advocates all over the planet. How do they do it, what does their work include… today on the program we have the voices that can help explain it all… Still to come today on the program, a conversation with Allistair Alexander director of publishing and production (fresh from the Paris Climate Talks), we will also hear from those who use the tools to spark change as part of TT’s Exposing The Invisible program, but before all that we begin today by listening to co-founders Marek Tuszynski and Stephanie Hencky, experts from their recent talk at the Elevate Festival in Graz entitled “The Politics of Data in Quantified Society”. Don’t be fooled by the title, this is a conversation that goes beyond the activists and the journalists, today’s program always comes back to you and me and the devices, apps, and services tha