Source Code Berlin

Social Entrepeneurship the Berlin Way



Although there are many examples where social entrepeneurship is just a buzz world or a marketing tool, in Berlin, within the startup world, there is a strong emphasis on running a business that does some good for the world. Spend any time talking to founders and CEO’s of startups in this town and chances are you will hear how they both meet their needs as a business and as a part of a community or society, often starting out with some social issue that they want to address through their work. Today on the program we explore Social Entrepeneurship done the Berlin way, or running a successful business while making a difference in a community/society. And to do that we bring you two experienced voices, Fabienne Riener of Source Fabric, and Evgeni Kouris of Toywheel and Gamewheel, who will help describe how they see and navigate this combination, in this town, at this particular moment in history.