Source Code Berlin

Gender, Community and Identity in Open Source



Whether you've followed the conversations and developments in the open source community for 6 months or 6 years, you know that gender is a frequently disputed topic within these communities. Questions about representation, inclusion, participation and a long list of concerns have been researched, debated, and addressed (or not addressed) in different ways for well over a decade. But the idea of open discussion is not always been a welcome one. While some feel there is an awakening going on, others feel they are under attack. Thankfully regardless of how anyone feels, some passionate groups of people are taking action in new and constructive ways. Today on the podcast we begin with Laura Laugwitz of Rails Girls Berlin to discuss a project for educating and encouraging women in the programming world. And in the second half of the program we will sit down with Kathleen Danielson, a veteran of the Open Street Map community now relocated to Berlin. The big question; where are we when it comes to gender and the ope