Apn's Aging Resourcefully

Aging Resourcefully: Carolyn A. Brent: Author 'Why Wait?



Carolyn A. Brent is author of the book "Why Wait? The Baby Boomers' Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially & Legally for a Parents' Death", which is a guide for family caregivers and aging parents (release date November 2011).As a speaker, she travels throughout the United States lecturing about the importance of adult siblings and parents having what she calls “crucial conversations” in preparation for the end-of-life issues they may face, so that instead of being torn apart, they can come together as a strong family. She is committed to enhancing the lives of family caregivers and their aging parents throughout the world.Carolyn is the founder of Grandpa's Dream: learn about Grandpa's Dream here.APN interviews a wide variety of experts in the field of aging services.  Our programs invite you to join us in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course entails...in a fun, and yet experienced way.  Join Adult Placement Network every Monday at noon PST for Aging Resourcefully!