The Lion

THE LION: Abbi O'Neall Founder Nova Lumina Therapy Of Light



Nova Lumina Therapy Of Light Your body is like an encyclopedia of your emotions. You have stored within you every hurt, fear and trauma since your childhood.  Some of these scars can come from past lives that you can't even remember or perceive. Yet these deep-set wounds can generate illness, chronic pain, weight problems, addictions and depression.  They can affect the amount of money you earn or the relationships you have.  They can make you repeat and repeat the same problems, because they are on an unconscious switch located in your chakras, the energy centers of your body, and they don't respond to rational thought or traditional therapy. Light Therapy allows the practitioner to see, psychically, your chakras.  They can see the emotional experience that is the cause of the block.  Like a medical psychic, they can connect that emotional damage with your present illness and problems.   Light Therapists are able to generate life force, or chi energy, and use i