The Lion

Inside Out: Claire Candy Hough



Claire Candy Hough Website: Angel Healing House Radio: As an Angel Practitioner, a Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher, International Radio Show Host, Writer and Author, Claire Candy Hough helps raise the consciousness of individuals through her Healing Practice ‘Angel Healing House’  that she established after her angelic Walk-In experience in 2003.Known for her extraordinary ability to channel messages from the angelic realm, this straight-shooting, grounded Healing practitioner is loved and admired by her international clientele for the transformative effect that she has on their lives. Candy is a published author, of the inspirational, channeled book, “Angels of Faith”, which is based on her two near-death experiences and helps the reader reconnect to their Divine eternal nature. Her book can be purchased on her website: In 2012, she created and hosts her weekly international Angel Healing House Radio