Latest in Paleo

Episode 82: The Big Picture



On this week's show: Cricket bars, sunshine, a weight-loss apology, what you need to know about your gut bacteria, what a new study reveals about sleep and your appearance, learning how to live, how to get your piece of the Naked Juice settlement, a new Moment of Paleo, and more about the importance of sleep After the Bell. Links for this episode:Exo Cricket Protein Bars - Business InsiderWhat if You Stopped going Outside?(3) LatestInPaleo - Coffee Creamer Recipe: I use this in my coffee....Gut bacteria 'too low' in quarter of populationIntestinal Bacteria Linked to Health of Obese People: How Diverse are Yours?Gut Bacteria Diversity Linked With Weight, Study SuggestsDiverse Gut Microbes, A Trim Waistline And Health Go Together : Shots - Health News : NPRStudy: Sleep loss increases cravings for junk food | Fox News VideoStudy reveals the face of sleep deprivationSleep Deprivation Affects Face Appearance, Study ShowsLearning how to liveAn Open Apology to All of My Weight Loss Clients | Iris HigginsNa