Stretch Your Mind And Body

Learn Yoga Breathing the Easy Way - with Breathe Aeror



Jim is the Founder/CEO of Aeror, and inventor of the Aeror Airflow Amplifier, a patent-pending mind-body connection tool which helps you amplify your airflow so you can breathe slower, deeper and longer anytime, anywhere, for relaxation, rejuvenation and reinvigoration. Come and meet Jim Efthimiou and his little but very powerful gadget, the Breathe Aeror.The Breathe Aeror is an "airflow training accessory" or in simple words it will teach you slow, deep, healthy breathing in a relatively short time. The benefits of breathing deeply and slowly are immense and we hope to discuss those with Jim during our upcoming interview. Curious and want to know more? Please join us on our upcoming show and go to: