Heavenly Whispers

Dream interpretation- a chance to get involved with dreams -with your life



Dream interpretation- a chance to get involved with dreams -with your lifeWe all have many dreams and sometimes some of them may return again and again. With this dream interpretation show you are able to look into your dreams and unravel the mysteries of your sleeping state. You will find out why you are dreaming certain events or situations in your dreams and look further into the deeper aspects of your life. So change your life....discover the power given to you by the Divine Spirit, by getting validation to answers you already know to be true. Find out how to heal yourself, gain prosperity, find love, achieve beauty, and much more! Together - We will discuss, analyze, and answer your question (of course with the added help of our angelic, spirit and elemental guides). The show will be open for one question callers! So join us in our chat room for friends and fun. Check out our site for all your Metaphysical needs. http://www.illuminationsinsights.org.