Zoe Radio Network

Divine Healing: Learning to Minister the Spirit



This broadcast is directed at those who have some understanding and belief in Divine Healing:  physical healing through the intervention of God in the physical realm upon the physical body.I want to help you grow from asking for healing to administering healing through the laying on of hands:  on yourself or others.Have you noticed that Jesus didn't 'pray' for His Father to heal the sick?The Church over the years has developed the function of ministering to the sick only through prayer.  This most likely based on Jame 5:14&15:  "The prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up."The believer has the Spirit of Christ the Healer IN them.The Spirit of God is a tangible substance.We are to 'administer' that Substance until healing/wellness manifests in the mortal body.I have a great burden to help people needing healing understand this 'operation of the Spirit'.It is the answer to your prayers.