Inside Out W/ Turner And Seth

Checking In: Scott Bernstein of JamBase Reports from a COVID-19 Epicenter



Rob and Seth first share some of their thoughts on the current Coronavirus COVID-19 -driven nightmare. Rob relates how he wants to devote all of the show's energy to helping people who have lost jobs in the music and entertainment industry, and Seth announced his forthcoming Virtual Passover Seder to raise money for Conscious Alliance. Then they speak with Scott Bernstein of JamBase. Scott talks about how JamBase "pivoted" and swiftly developed a new "Live Streams" section of the web site - he specifically points to the web site's developer Todd Levy and CEO David Onigman for their vital efforts in getting this done so quickly. Scott also takes us into his personal experience living and working in New York City while it is one of the epicenters of a global pandemic.  He talks about how some in his building have tested positive, and about how he finds comfort in the way his neighbors show the health care workers their appreciation on a nightly basis. The conversation shifts t