James Bond & Friends

0067: No Time To Release



It just happened again. How do we feel about the latest news of another delay? For this episode, the panel dives into the breaking news that No Time To Die has been delayed again, this time to April 2nd, 2020. When was this decision made? How has MGM handled the ill-fated campaign reboot? Given the big marketing push over the past week, how will this go down with the fan base? Is April next year even a viable target? The recording took place on October 2nd, 2020 in the USA, UK, Spain, and New Zealand. James Page and Paul Atkinson are co-founders of MI6-HQ.com and the magazine MI6 Confidential Lisa Funnell (@DrLisaFunnell) is Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma Ben Williams writes for MI6-HQ.com and MI6 Confidential Bill Koenig runs the Spy Command at hmssweblog.wordpress.com Phil Nobile Jr shares his expertise at @PhilNobileJr David Leigh runs thejamesbonddossier.com This podcast is copyright Pretitles LLC © 2020