Forte Catholic Podcast: Making Catholicism Fun Again

Episode 43: C2six, gangsta turned Catholic artist. Passion and Answered Prayers



What an episode! In the first segment, I share from my heart some really powerful things that God has done for me in the past couple of weeks. After a long period of spiritual dryness, I have had some huge prayers answered! In the second and third segment, I interview Carlos Zamora; a man with an incredible story of conversion from gangster to passionate Catholic hip-hop artist and speaker. We talk about his life pre-conversion, how God changed his life in a huge way and what has happened since. This is one of the most powerful conversion stories I have ever heard. He uses his passion for hip-hop and the Church to build the Kingdom of God. I pray that as you listen, his story and music will inspire you to take the next step in growing closer to Christ. If you like the show, please subscribe and rate the show in iTunes as it helps tremendously to help the show reach more people. Thank you!